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Francisco Ferreira

August 4, 2019     9 minutes to read

AlquevaTours: Alqueva secrets

Alqueva is the largest artificial lake in Europe and it exists due to the construction of a 96m high dam, responsible for holding over 4100 million liters of water from Guadiana River (and tributary rivers such as Degebe). Initially, the dam was built with a main objective: to improve irrigation in the region, as well as in whole Alentejo (due to the aridity of the soils and the scarcity of water and minerals). After the inauguration of the dam, not only agriculture has developed, but also clean energy production and tourism, and you can go on boat rides, with different routes, where you can deepen knowledge about the dam and history of Alentejo, and, on some special excursions, taste Alentejo gastronomic products. And, in order to show visitors the hidden treasures of one of the most unpopulated regions of Portugal, Mr. Humberto Nixon and Mrs Manuela Martins (managers), highlighting the love and pleasure they feel for boats and for riding them, they created the boat tour operator AlquevaTours. Although the operator's headquarters are located in Moura, the quay where excursions start is placed extremely close to Alqueva Dam, which location can be found on Google Maps by searching for AlquevaTours - Passeios de Barco.

Alqueva Dam and Artificial Lake

With a great service, denoting concern for costumers' safety and well-being, managers have planned several routes to take, suitable for different age groups. On a clear Spring day, we drove to Alqueva to experience one of the eight boat trips, which is called "Alqueva com História". In this 1-hour route, visitors can visit the deepest area in Guadiana River, next to dam. After parking near the boarding dock some minutes before 11:30am (expected starting time), we noticed the supreme beauty of the lake, bathed in warm morning light. Shortly after, we got into the boat and, sitting on the comfortable seats, near the bow (with privileged views), and the visit began. Floating by the dam, the guide told us some details about its construction and structure and then we moved into the first safety float (this one marks 1km and there are 80 floats like this one along the whole lake), where the guide highlighted its importance and function. Ahead, we went near Degebe River mouth, and we heard about the old Aldeia da Luz, which was relocated, just as it was, into a Northeastern ground, higher, because its old place was submerged (due to the dam). Then we start catching sight of some islands and islets, where we could observe some wild animals, such as ducks, fish, herons and, in a cove, some shy turtles that immediately rushed to escape.

Alqueva nooks

Finally, after a very rich history and science class, the boat returned to the quay. The second part of the activity, held at Centro de Interpretação do Alqueva (Alqueva Interpretation Centre), next to EDIA Offices, deepens about planning and construction of the dam in about 30 minutes, finally summing up the contents in a short video. Fortunately, the visit isn't expensive, so you have to pay just 10€ for each person (free up to 10 years old when accompanied by a member of the family) – which proves a very satisfactory quality-price ratio. If you wish to book a visit, I advise you to do it so in advance, with a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 55, and the visit doesn't happen out of these limits. Comfort during activity is guaranteed: in addition to diving from the boat on warmer days, the boats are wheelchair accessible and they have Summer and Winter covers, a glacier for keeping drinks cool and a small table for snacking. Safety is also ensured, because, despite the life jackets, there's a personal accident or injury and liability insurance.

Boat near the quay

If you want to spend some nights nearby, take a look at this post about a rural turism property for getting inspired.

Summing up:

 • Price: 10€/person (free until 10 years old when accompanied by a member of the family)
 • Duration: 90min (60min + 30min)
 • Groups: min. 6 people / max. 55 people
 • Included: personal accident or injury and liability insurance
 • Not included: transportation to Centro de Interpretação do Alqueva, less than 1km
 • Contacts: 285 254 099 / 918 973 494 / 914 312 922 /
 • Location: AlquevaTours – Passeios de Barco (Moura)

For more details about the trip (in Portuguese), click here.

Useful Informations:

 Medium temperature: 15ºC (Winter) and 30ºC (Summer)

 • Nearby localities: Moura, Portel, Mourão, Reguengos de Monsaraz, Beja, Évora

Take a look on my Alentejo Photo Album and on the following video, which shows briefly what you can experience during the activity.

Images: Francisco Ferreira (PhotosOfEurope)

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